Rabu, 11 September 2013

Colosseum, Italy

Image result for Colosseum, Italy

Reconstruction of the Colosseum starting from the orders of King Vespasian in 72 AD and completed by his son Titus in 80 AD Colosseum established close to a magnificent palace formerly built Nero, named Domus Aurea was built after the great fire of Rome in AD 64. Dio Cassius a historian says that there are about 9000 wild animals that have been killed in 100 days as a celebration of the inauguration and opening of the Colosseum. The floor of the Colosseum arena covered with sand to prevent blood-blood does not flow freely in the

Image result for Colosseum, Italia

Image result for Colosseum, Italia

The name of the Coliseum as in the above is taken from the name of a statue as high as 130 feet or 40 m, Colossus. Colossus statue remade as a replacement for Nero as the parable of the sun god Sol, by adding a solar crown. In a mid-year, colossus statue has disappeared. An expert said that since the statue was made of bronze, the sculpture has melted down for reuse.

In addition to a name taken from the Coliseum, the Coliseum also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre is not known who gave the name. In Italy, the Coliseum was named il colosseo but other Roman languages use the name Le Colisee and el coliseo to mention the Colosseum.

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