Kamis, 25 September 2014

The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

Image result for The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

Spring is the perfect time of year to explore nature in and around Austin, when it’s warm enough to go for a swim but not so hot that you can’t enjoy an afternoon hike.  It’s also a great time to beat the crowds at some very popular tourist destinations.  On Monday, we took advantage of the school holiday and spent the day at Hamilton Pool Preserve in Dripping Springs, a local hotspot that quickly gets crowded in warmer months.  Featuring a gorgeous grotto and natural swimming area, Hamilton Pool Preserve is a glorious place to swim in cool, clear waters (so clear that you can see the fish as they brush past your legs).

Image result for The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

Hamilton Pool is a natural area that is part of the 30,428-acre Balcones Canyonlands Preserve. Walk inside the walls of the collapsed grotto, step under a waterfall, have a picnic on the (very small) beach area, or go for a hike to the Pedernales River.  There is no better way to spend a few hours in the sun.

Image result for The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

Image result for The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

Image result for The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas, USA

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